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The Depussion Elizabeth Jones the Deponant saith that shee saw John Pugh the twenty third Day of Septembr 1770 in the Evening Near or about forty Miles Distanc from HilsBoroug

The Depussion of Elizabeth Pugh the Deponant saith that shee kow John Pugh to be about His Lawful Business the twenty fourth and fifth Days of Septembr 1770 Ner. and about forty miles from HilsBorough—

The Depussion of Peninah Pugh the Deponant saith that shee kow John pugh the Bee about His Lawfull Busnes the twenty fourth and fifth Days of in Septembr: 1770 Near or about forty Miles Distance from HilsBororough—

The Depussion of ann Jones the Deponant saith that shee saw John Pugh the twenty third and twenty fifth Days of September 1770 about His lawful Business Near or about forty Miles Distance from HilsBorough—

Sworn Before Me: John Low

August the 31 1771

The Depussion of Samuel Walker the Deponant saith that He Saw John Pugh the about His Lawful Business the twenty forth and twe^n^ty fifth Day of September ^1770^ Ner and about forty miles Distance from HilsBorough—

The Depussion of John Marsh the Deponant—saith that He saw John Pugh the twenty Fifth Day of Septembr 1770 About His Lawfull Business Ner or about forty Miles Distance from HilsBorough—

The Depussion of William Savage the Deponant saith that Hee saw John Pugh the twenty fifth Day of September 1770 Ner the Middle of the Day near or A Bout forty miles Distance forom HilsBorough—

The Depussion of Cathren Marley the Depona^n^t saith that shee saw John Pugh the twenty fifth Day of Septembr: 1770: ^Near^ A Bout two of the Clock in the Day aplowing and Deponant farther sayeth that said Pugh Enquiered whether she Had Heard any News from Court She Replyed She Had not—said Pugh said that He Had Nont Heard and Wanted to Heare

Sworn Before Me John Low 

August the 31: 1771