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Gentlemen of His Majesty’s Honble. Council,

Anne Bryan, Anne Ferguson, Elizabeth Harper & Faithy Smith Exhibited Petitions to the House setting forth that each of their Husbands went out in the service of Government against the Insurgents, and were Killed in the late Battle of Allimance; That they were in very Distressed Circumstances with a Number of small Children, who by the loss of their Fathers must without the Assistance of the Public be reduced to extreme want which Facts having been made appear to the satisfaction of the House they do therefore 

Resolve that One Hundred and Fifty Pounds be allowed to Anne Bryan Widow of Ensign Bryan Killed in the late Battle, That Eliza. Harper, Anne Ferguson and Faithy Smith whose Husbands were also Killed in the Battle be allowed One Hundred Pounds each, which Money shall be paid into the Hands of a Trustee and be by him applied to the Purchase of Slaves for the Use of the said Widows and their Children, and to no other Purpose, Whatsoever; And the House do further Resolve that Richard Caswell Esquire be appointed Trustee to execute the Purpose of this Resolve, and that he do report to the House his Proceedings thereon, to which we desire your Honors Concurrence.

Rd Caswell Speaker

In the Assembly the 10th Decr. 1771
By Order JGreen junr. Clk

In the upper House 21st. Decr. 1771 Concurred with
By order of JBurgwin Clk

Concurred with
Jas Hasell P.C

Assented to Jo. Martin

Sent by Mr Neale & Mr Gray
