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The Examinacon of Anne Wife of Peter Johnson of the Precinct of Carteret in the Province aforsaid Aged Twenty Seven Years or thereabouts Takeing before me Enoch Ward Esqr. one of his Majtes. Justices of the peace for the said Precinct the day and Year within said

Who Saith that being at the House of Peter Pedro at Cape Fear in her passage to South Carolina upon the Twelth day of June last past behaveing in Company with her, her Husband Mrs. Elizabeth Daniel Elizabeth Osbourn and others the said Peter Johnson husband of the said Examinant Demanded of Peter Pedro the Younger the Sum of Fifty Shillings which said Sum the said Pedro the Younger drew a note on one Mr Mayrant of Santee in South Carolina to pay the said Johnson the said fifty shillings but not haveing reced the said ^money^ proceeded on her Journe voyage to Charles Town where haveing parted with her husband she met with One Jacob Johnson of Carteret precinct in North Carolina who was bound home to North Carolina in whose Company the said Examinant set forth from Charles Town to Carteret precinct in North Carolina aforsaid and puting on Shoare at Winyeau the said Examint met with the above said Peter Pedro and One Richard Ball and an Indyan Woman belonging to the said Ball at which time the said Ball Agreed with the said Jacob Johnson and for his pas and his Indyan Womans Passage to North Carolina and upon this Examints Demanding of the said Peter Pedro the fifty shillings that he Ow'd her Husband he replyed that he was bound to Cape Fear by Land and that he had not money Enough About him scarce to pay his Passage over the Ferrys but desired the said Ball and she this Depo ^Examt.^ to call at Cape Fear as they went home and that if they should happen to be there before he came to stay two or three Dayes at his said Fathers for ^him^ upon which the said Examinant and Company proceeded on their voyage and being Some time about the Middle of September (as near as this Examinant can recollect) she came to the plantacon of the said Peter Pedro about midd day and went in Company with the said Jacob Johnson and Richard Ball & his Indyan Woman to the house or shed where the said Pedro the Elder lived where being Entered she this Examinant Saw the Bones of Some Person or Persons that were Murthered lying about the Bed and under the Bed with abundance of Grey haires Shewed at and about the Door of the said house or Shed but this Examint saith that she is not able to say who the said Murthered person or persons were but that she has since heard that they were the bones of Old Peter Pedro and his Wife and this Examint. further saith that in the said house She saw a barrell of Rice out of which she and the persons above menconed in Company with her took out of the Said Barrell of rice a paile full that hold about a Bushalll togather with the Goods following (vizt) a parcell of hoes and Axes a parcell of pewter a parcell of Blanquetts the number of which she this Depont. cannot ^tell^ three Iron potts three paire of pott hooks one Brass Candle Stick a brass Skimmer a Little Empty Box a Sifter a paire of Steel Yards a Small Sword a Carbine without a Lock to it a Gudd Iron a parcell of Books a parcell of pipes which said Goods shewed this Examinant Together with the persons in her company before recited Carryed into the whale boat (she this Examinant being ^then^ Sick and not able to Assist them in Carrying the Goods aforsaid into the said Whale boat)—And this Examinant further saith that the said Goods were by her and the said Jacob Johnson ^& Richard Ball & the said Indyan Woman^ Convey'd from the said Peter Pedro's house or shed in Cape Fear to or near the house of the said William Johnson in Carteret precinct in Core Sound aforsaid and further this Examinant Saith not


Anne X Johnson

Acknowledg'd and Sign'd before me the day and year aforsaid

Enoch Ward