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Your letter is at hand and lies before me dated 15th Ins in reply to mine of the 9th Ins respecting the claim of Huldah Hill widow of John Hill. You state in yours that the rules require that in widows claims the original family record of the marriage shall be produced I now State that there is no record of the marriage of my father & mother nor neaver has ben any to my knowledge, and to send my large family bible to your Office for the purpos of Showing the ages and Deaths of the Family when you have a copy of the record taken before A lawful offices of the State with seals & surtificats &c would be entirely useless. I therefore upon these grounds Protest against sending my family record.

You add in relation to this claim that the rules of evidence adopted for the execution of the law of July 4: 1836 cannot Be departed from &c

The petitioner appears comes under the act of Congress 1832. The above case has long lay before you and it appears that you have all the proof that we are able to give you. I therefore Insis upon an immediate decision & to enclose to me a certificate of pension for the petitioner as Justice demands from your office I wish to heare from you soon

I am respectfully

Your obt. Servant