Gentn. Of His Majestys Honble Council
This House have resolved, That Fearnought Beesly whose son was killed in the Battle of the Alamance and upon whose Industry she had subsisted being too Old and Infirm to get her living be allowed tw Ten Pounds ⅌ Year and that the Treasurers or either of them pay her the same yearly and be—allowed in their Accounts with the public and desire
Your Honors Concurrence thereto
Rd Caswell Speaker
In the Assembly
20th. Decr. 1771.
By Order—
J:Green junr Clk
In the upper House 21st. Decr 1771 Concurred with
Jas. Hasell P.C
By order JBurgwin Clk
1 Cert. dd. 1771
2 do. do. 1773.
Assented to Jo. Martin—
Fearnought Beasley.
Ticket made out