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The Examination of Elizabeth Viner ^aged about 30 yrs^ doth declare that she was at Rodger Snells ^about 14 day since^ and John Spellman came to hur with a maseg from dorryty Stell to speak with hur when I came to hur she asked me whar I would go Along with hur to the norward to pokamake Rodger Snell when he saw John Spellman asked him whi thay stayed and lurked about thare why thay did not go about thare bisness or goe about home if not he would goe to the Cunstable and Rayes the Cuntry and sese tham and bed me tell tham all so u them to begon Spedyly or he would goe and fetch the Constable and sese them and when I came to them I tould them what Rodger Snell bed me and thay mad all the Experdission they Could to goe [away] and thay said thay would dey before thay would be taiken and so thay Rowed along the Shoure about a mile below the grate mash and thare thay stayd. two dayes wind bound and so thay Rowed along the Shouer tell thay saw three Cattell the master and Dorryty Stell bed Spellman goe and Shute the smallest and so he did as he said and thay pe^a^ntch it and cutt it into quarters skin and all and brought it into the Cinnow that night and fled it the next day ^and cut it out and [salt] it^ a red hefer about three yere ould and Dorryty Stell said that It was Jacob Peterson and when thay came to Scuppornung [wher] thay got sum tobacco and Corne of Cornll Polluck nedgro and so from thence to Chowan, the sd. master and Dorryty Stell lay to gether upon one bed to gether all the time I was with them when thay Lay doune I would faine a left them at Scupernung and thay would not let me and further saith not

Elizabeth E Viner

Sworne to me this 24 day of Augst 1697
Thomas Harvey

To: Somons upon His Majties Accompt Elizabeth: Vinor. Roger Snell; Mary Jenkins