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I, Louie, Nachman, of Badin, North Carolina, do make oath that I am personally acquainted with H. B. Jordan of Badin, North Carolina and also with Mr. and Mrs. M. M. Holliday of Badin, N.C.

I do further make oath that I know from conversation with Mr. Holliday and Mrs. Holliday that on or about [left blank] Mr. H. B. Jordan and Mr. Holliday had a fight and Mr. Holliday, whom I knew personally before he or I came to Badin, N.C. to live, came to me and told me that he tried to kill Mr. H. B. Jordon that day because he had cursed his wife. He said that he had used a stick on Mr. Jordon.

Mr. Holliday wanted my advice as to what to do as he seemed to think that Mr. Jordon was going to prosecute him. I told him to wait and see what Mr. Jordon did.

In a few days he came back to me and said, "Mr. Jordon is going over into Montgomery County and take out a warrant for me," as the fight occurred in Montgomery County, across the river from Badin, where the men had been working at that time.

I lived at that time on the same street and in the same block and between the two families. I know that they were not on friendly terms and I know the trouble between them was purely a personal affair and that the Tallassee Power Company was in no way involved.

I also know from my conversation with them and the neighbors and my servant, Berter Rice, that the fight was caused because of the words said to Mrs. Holliday by Mr. Jordon, as stated in the affidavit of Berter Rice under date of July 10, 1919.

Mr. Jordon continued work at the same place and he and Mr. Holliday became friendly enough to work together.

This 11th day of July, 1919/

Louie Nachman
Mgr Wolf Store

Sworn and subscribed to before me,
This 11th day of July, 1919.

C. Monroe Adams

My commission expires:
May 27, 1921.

Enclosed in: 1919, July 14. Thorpe to Brock