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North Carolina Ss

Att a Councill holden at the house of Capt. Richd Sanderson at Little River on Thursday the 10th. day of Mar 1714/15.

Present the Honble. Charles Eden Esqr. Govr: Capt. Genll. and Admell.

The Honble Thos: Pollock, Nath Chevin, Chr Gale, Fra Foster, T Knight} Esqrs Lds: proptrs. Deptys.


Upon Petition of divers of the Inhabitants on the Sound side in Chowan precinct therein Setting forth that the Road from Doctor Urmstons to Yawpim being Cleared on the Sound Side was verry prejudiciall to their Plantations and prays the Same may be Cleared back ward in the woods. Ordered that the road backwards in the woods be from henceforwd. deemed and taken for the horse road and not on the Sound Side Cleare ^from the sd. Mr Urmstons^ downe to Yawpim

Upon Petition of the Hatteras Indyans praying some small reliefe from the Country for their Services being reduced to great poverty.

Ordered that they have 16 bushlls. of Corne for their present Supply out of the Publicke Store.

Ordered that King Blount have one hundred bushells of Indyan Corne out of the Publick Store for the Support of him & his Indyans in regard of their Services being reduced by the Same.


Upon Petition of the Porteskyte Indyans shewing that the Inhabitants of Coratuck Banks have & doe hinder the Said Indyans from hunting there and threatn them to break their gun's and that they Cannot Subsist without the liberty of hunting on those their usuall grounds.

Whereupon it is hereby ordered that the Said Indyans from henceforrward have Liberty to hunt on any of the Said Banks land that noe English man presume to disturbe them therein without application made to this Board.
