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The Deposition of Richard Ball late of Winyeau in the Province of Caroli ^South^ Carolina but now of the precinct of Carteret in the County of Bath and Province of North Carolina Taken upon Oath before me Enoch Ward Esqr. one of his Majtes. Justices of the peace for the said Precinct who being of full Age

Saith that some time on or about the Seventh or Eighth day of August last past (as near as this Depont. can remember) being in Winyeau in South Carolina aforsaid One Jacob Johnson and Anne Wife of Peter Johnson came to him this Depont. and Asked this Depont. whether he wanted a passage to North Carolina this Depont. replyed that he could not readily tell but if they would stay a small time he would Consider of it and Give them an Answer which the said Jacob Johnson agreed to and after some Small time past he concluded and agreed to go with them the said Johnson promising to Let him this Depont. and his Indian Slave Anne have their passage free for their Labour and this Depont. saith that in about five dayes after the Wind being fair he togather with his said Slave went on board the said Whale boat and in or about five Weeks afterwards this Depont. and the before recited Company then with him Arrived at Cape Fear at the plantacon belonging to Peter Pedro the Elder at which time he this Depont. with the Company aforsaid Went to the house or shed of the said Peter Pedro a Small way before which he saw a Scull with and Entering in the said house he saw by and under & upon the bed Severall bones of Somebody that was murdred but the person or persons that was so murthered this Depont. was not able to Tell upon which the said Depont. and Company aforemenconed went from the said house to the Whale boat and from thereto a place Called the [Shell] [illegible] [illegible] from the said house about three or four miles where he and the said Company lay all night and the next day being Leeward WhWeather went back again to the house of the said Peter Pedro's where Seeing a Barrell of Rice he this Depont. and the rest of the said Company assisting him took a paile full of the said Rice Containing about a bushall and Carried it to the Whale boat at which time the said Depont. found a parcell of Gun powder in Two Juggs one part of which this Depont. took and Carried to the Whale Boat And this Depont. further saith that at the same time he saw the said Jacob Johnson Carry the remaining part of the said Gunpowder to the sd Whale boat at which time also he this Depont. did See the aforsaid Indyan Woman to carry out of the house aforsaid One Iron pot to the Whale boat and did also see then and the[re] see the said Jacob Johnson and Anne Johnson carry of a hand saw also Divers Goods the particulars whereof he cannot recite but remembers that he particularly Saw them carry from the said house to the Whale Boat Divers peices of pewter Iron Work Blanquets Books and pipes and this Depont. further saith that the said Goods being so On board the said Whale Boat Some Words Arose between the said Jacob Johnson Anne Johnson and the said Richard Ball ^this Depont.^ by reason that the said Indyan Woman belonging to the said Depont. had taken One of the ^sd^ Blanquets the said Jacob and Anne Johnson Threatning that if this Depont. did not make his Said Slave deliver them the blanquet wch. she had taken that both this Depont. should not have his Share of the Goods they had taken and should also pay them for his passage to which this Depont. replyed I do not Care I want none of the Goods they the said Peter ^Jacob^ and Anne Johnson further adding that if he was not Assisting to them in their passage home they would leave him on the Sand banks and this Depont. saith that the Said Goods was Conveyd from Cape fear aforsaid l at ore near to the Dwelling house of the said William Johnson in the precinct of Carteret in the province of North Carolina aforsaid Where this Depont. togather with the said Jacob Johnson Anne Johnson and Anne an Indyan Slave of the said Depont. betimes in the morning hid the aforemenconed Goods under the Barn of the sd William Johnson

Richard X Ball

Signd and Sworn before me this 15th day of Octobr. Anno the Dom 1724
Enoch Ward