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Memorandum that on the 16th day of March 1722/3 there Came before us Gyles Shute & Joshua porter Esqrs two of his majesties Justices of the peace for Beaufort & hyde prects. Richard Nixon & John Gardiner Boath of this prectt & did acknowlege themselves Indebted to our Soveraign Lord the king in the Sum of his heirs or Successors ^in^ the Sumn of fifty pounds Sterling Each to be Leveyd upon their Goods Chatles Lands & tennemts. upon Condition following (viz) that they the Sd Richd Nixon & John Gardiner Shall personaly Apear before the Chief Justice & his Assistance at the Coart house in Eden town in Albamarle County the twenty Sixth of this Instant then & there to Give Evidence on the Behalf of our Soverain Lord the king against Christopher Dudley for wounding assaulting hurteing & maimeing of a Tuskarora Indian, And not to Depart the Said Court without Leave first had & Obtained of the Sd Court then this Recognizance to be void & Null Otherwayes to Stand & Remain in full force power & virtue

Capt: E Recogn
Corum Nobis

Nixon & Gardner's
Recognt: to appear
at March Cot: 1723
to give Evide: vs. Dudley
ad Sect. Domi: Regis—