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Here is my journal open before me, and my pen in my hand, but so little do I feel like that it is almost useless to commence—

Wednesday morning I did not get up 'til late and had just commenced dressing when Dr Wilson and Mr Cutler called, Miss Dudly Mr John Holms and Mr Waters—soon as they left Aunt Mary and I am mistaken—Wednesday, Morning was rainy damp and disagreeable Mr Cobb called to say good bye, for he left sure enough Wednesday morning—after dinner Mr Joe Wright and Mr Gibbs called, the former asked me to go to Mr Nixsons with him I accepted—we walked there, and rode home—I enjoyed it very much did not get home 'til nearly three—I spent a very pleasant evening—Mr Jimmie Wright scarcely spoke to me—Wednesday morning the gentlemen I just mentioned called—and after they left Aunt Mary and I went out returning calls—After dinner started out again—(Mr Joe Wright sent me one of Mr Engelhards letters to read, that he received Wednesday, it was eight pages, large size letter paper—it was a nice letter—I always knew him to be a perfect gentleman, but every line of this letter was only “Confirmation Strong” it is a pity there is not more young men like him—there is one thing he mentions, about me—I [would] like so much to know said it—but I cannot ask him, for I have promised, “Brother Joe” never to mention it—) Mr Willie Hall, and Meg Dawson (that [was]) Mrs Hall now—called Thursday evening while we were out—Friday morning we went out visiting again—in the evening, I took a nice ride on horse-back, with Mr Parsely, got home just about dusk—Carrie Wright and Jennie Green, came just as I came in the house, for me to come & spend the evening at Dr Wrights—Carrie had invited me before—I had to prepare my toilet, so they went and returned, for me in a little while—I then went—spent rather a pleasant evening, had a little dancing, playing &c, good many of the young people there but not all—Mr Jimmie Wright and I made friends, I never have been able to find out what even caused us to be otherwise— he walked home with me, and “the hatchet was buried” and we are good friends, cannot say how long it will last—did not get home til 12 o’clock—Saturday but I will have to be off to here, and try to sleep, as we are to have a sound party tomorrow, and will have to be up pretty soon—I hope I may have a very pleasant day—and also pleasant dreams and such slumbers tonight—I will try and finish soon—