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Hon. Locke Craig,
Raleigh, N.C.

My dear Governor:-

I am just in receipt of yours of the 9th with copies of letters to Senators Simmons and Overman enclosed, which I appreciate very much and am sure our people in Forsyth, Davie and Iredell will be proud to know of your interest in their behalf.

Hope that we will be able to get the appropriation in the next few days - in fact, the forces are now at work and the contract was today let for the grading of five miles of the road in Forsyth County leading to the river. The convict force will follow just behind, making macadam and sand clay finish.

The commissioners in each county stand ready to deposit their required amount as soon as you direct them where to deposit the funds. May I suggest that the funds be deposited in the Wachovia Bank & Trust Co., of this City, and the government forward their appropriation here, also? Of course, do just as you wish in reference to this.

I am sure Senators Simmons and Overman will do what they can to help us out.

If there are any further details you desire, or if the Fourth Assistant Postmaster General wishes any further information, will be glad to furnish same.

Hope you are well.

Very respectfully,

P H Hanes