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JUNE 3, 1916.

At a meeting of the Railroad Committee held on June 2nd, the following members were present: J. L. Clements, J. J. Rogers and H. C. Landon.

While it is regretted that there was not a full Committee present, it is believed that the Committee work was gotten well under way and it is expected that results will be accomplished, especially if the Committee will be aided by the suggestions and co-operation of the whole Committee.

At a recent meeting of the Publication Committee, the chairman decided to call upon each Committee for cuts and data pertaining to their Committee work, which will advertise the advantages and resources of Wilkes County and the section tributary thereto. This Committee, therefore, has decided to furnish a small comprehensive map of this section, showing the Railroad possibilities of Wilkes county and section tributary to it. Mr. J. L. Clements made the suggestion that a good high-way from the western terminus of the Watauga & Yadkin River Railroad at Darby to Boone would do much to add to the prosperity of Wilkes county, as every pound of freight for Boone and surrounding country that could be routed via North Wilkesboro meant so much additional prosperity. There is no doubt but that Mr. Clement's suggestion is correct, and that a good high-way would do much toward aiding the development of this section but Mr. Clements was also advised that the Watauga county interests were building a good road from the summit of the Blue Ridge through Cooks Gap to Middle Cane which is only two miles from the end of the rail of the Watauga & Yadkin River Railroad, west of Darby. Middle Cane is only 15 miles from Boone as against 18 miles from Darby to Boone. [in red text] With this information at hand, it was then the unanimous opinion of the Committee that the Club should urge the proper State authorities to furnish additional convicts to push the railroad more rapidly toward Middle Cane and Rogers Mill, than it's possible with the present small force. [end of red text]

North Wilkesboro is the real market for the products of the farmers and every foot track built westward brings increased trade to Wilkes County. Watauga & Ashe counties are seeking a southern market. The Railroad to Middle Cane would bring a large section of Ashe tributary to Wilkes and the south, as well as a larger section of Watauga county. Prospective productive lines tributary to Wilkes county would be: railroad from North Wilkesboro to Taylorsville; North Wilkesboro to Statesville, via Hunting Creek; North Wilkesboro to Jefferson. The extension of the Watauga & Yadkin River Railroad from Grandin to Lenoir should be encouraged. The Committee recommend that a study of the resources for the proposed lines be made and careful statistics be compiled to show the possible traffic on the proposed lines. Statistics for this group of states show that a population of 300 people per mile of railroad will produce enough traffic to pay the interest on the cost of construction and to successfully operate a railroad, provided the cost of road and quipment would not exceed $25,000 per mile. These conditions now exist on the proposed lines. If capital could be induced to build on the proposed lines the increase in population would make such prospective railroads

This report is respectfully submitted to the Board of Governors of Wilkes Commercial Club for any further suggestions and action they may take.