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North Carolina 

Tot His Excellency Josiah Martin Esquire His Majestys Captain General & Governor in Chief in and over the said Provance—

The Petition ^of^ us the Inhabitants of Gulford County & Provance aforsaid Humbly sheweth that whereas the Uphappy tumults Inurections & Rebalions Which Disturbed the Pace and tranquility of this floushing Provance being Now Haply Stopt By the Good providance of God ^the^ Indefeatigable Care Prudance Corage and Good Conduct of his Majestys Leat Govrnor over the said provance and the aficrs ^officers^ under him Whos Conduct Will Be Wee hope ^be^ of Great Utility to this and the Neghbouring provances and much to the Peace and tranquility of your Excellencys admistration so long as it shall please God to continue your Excellency over Us We Would Humbly Beeg Leave to petition your Excellency in Behalf of one of the Persons out Lawed in this Unhappy Confedresy to Witt James hunter and though We are Senseabel that said ^hunter^ has forfited his Life By Joyning this Unhapy Confidrecy Yet We Would By Leave to Inform ^your^ Excellency We have alalong obsarved a Spirit of Leanity and tender compation in him above any of the Rest and Belives What Ever Was don By him against Govrment that he Was actuated by others and Born down by the popelasse and We Believe there has Been Exemples sufisant made alrady to Detar any Eivel designing persons for the futer from joyning again the Like Unhapy afair and as We are Well aguanted With Said Hunters Former Life and Conversation We are Well persuaded that Were he Restored Under his majestys protection again that he Wold make apassable member of Sosiaty & We Likewise Belive that he Bears true aleajins to his majesty king George the third and that if Your Excellency Would Greesiously Restor him to his former Libarty that he Would for Ever Deteast and Abhore Such combinations therefor may it Pleas your Excellency to Greaciously Grant a pardon When We Begg his Life for the sake of a poar disconslet Wife and Small Children and an aged mother Wo has no other Man in the Life and his affectioned Relations With Whom We Sympathise Depending on your Lenety & Goodness Without any Merit We hop for marcy may God Inclin your Excellency hart to discharg him as our Savour Christ did the Woman taken in [adul]try saying Go & Sin No More such Lenety Will Ever Ingag Your Humbel Petitioners to Ever Pray

William Drapor [and forty seven others]