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[The following is a excerpted transcript of a petition written to Josiah Martin from Orange and Guilford County Citizens on behalf of Thomas Welborn. The transcript is located in The Colonial Records of North Carolina, Vol. 9, pg. 26-27. The original of this document has not been located.]  

North Carolina— 

To his Excellency Josiah Martain Esqur his majestys Capt Generall & Govrnour in Chief in and over the said Provance 

The Petition of the Inhabitains of Guilford and orange Countys Humbly Sheweth that Whereas the Leat Insurections and Rebelions that did Prevaill in this Provance to Such a degree that it did desturb the Pease & tranquility of Provance & also to the Great Prajduce of many Indeviduals & to the Publick in Generall Whereas By the means of Leading and designing Persons in this unhapy Confedresy intending appearntly to Subvert Govrement many honest & Well minded men Were drawn in and over Presweaded to joyn in this unnatruell Combination Whereof the Person that We Begg Leave to Petition your Excellency for is one to-Witt thomas Welborn Who now Stands out-lawed But no Reward advrtised for taking him We your Excelency's Petitioners Being Well aquanted With the said Wellborn's formor Life & Conversasion it Being honest and agreeabel. Which Incorag us your Excellancy's humbel petitioners To Erenestly plead & Begg that your Excellancy Would Grant to him amost grasios Parden as We have no merit to Plead yet moved With pitey When We See a pooer morning Wife With a Learg family of Small Childeren and very Littel to Suport them & Soon Will be Exposed to the outmost Extremity & Now as your Excelency is now Entering on the ademensteration in this Goverment such Extensive charity & marcy Extended as to Restor this said Wellborn to his formor Libarty and Intitel him to his majesty's Protection & We your Humbel Petitioners as in duty Bound Shall Ever Pray 

John Butler [and nineteen others]