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To His Excellency Josiah Martin His majestys Captain General Governor and Commander in Chief in and over the Province of North Carolina— 

The petition of Sundry of the Inhabitants of Orange County Humbly sheweth, that whereas [John] Fruit one of the out Lawed Regulators, hath ever since he came to years of Maturity, behaved himself as a useful member of society and in all thing becoming a subject of great Britain, until he unfortunately fell in with that most Extraordinary set of Enthusiastick people Called Regulators; we also further Humbly shew that the said John Fruit hath a wife and sundry small Children who are in the utmost Distress, for want of that Comfort and support which he as a Father and Husband ought to supply them with, and as he sheweth great signs of Penitence for the past follies of his life promising nowe ^ever^ obedience to the Laws of this province as becomes a subject of great Britain, we are in charity bound ^to^ hope that he, if Pardoned would again become a good subject and useful member of society, and therefore Humbly pray that your Excellency would Extend to him your ^his Majestyes^ most gracious pardon and we your Humble petitioners as in duty bound will ever pray  

[illegible signature]

Alexdr Mebane 

Charles Johnston 

William Blackwood 

Andrew Patterson

Samuel Allen 

Robert Cate 

Jeremiah Horton 

Malcob Baldrige 

Philip Jackson Junr

John Baldrige 

Jon Sample 

[the unexcerpted version of this petition contains a total of 127 signers]