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United States Post Office

Hon. Lock Craig, Gov. elect.,
Asheville, N.C.,

My dera Sir:-

When I was a cadet at the Bingham School from 1897 to 1901 I knew you and regarded you as one of the very ablest of our Statesmen for at that time I was resident of Chatham County, N.C. I heard you speak at the School once or twice and I also heard you in our White Supremacy campaign and again at Pittsboro when you and Judge Pritchard were touring the state as candidates for the United States Senate. At that time I thought you should have been elected to the Senate but we were disapointed. Soon after that time I moved to Laurens, S.C. but have kept up with you. I was again disapointed when you were not nominated for Govenor four years ago. I have all the time been interested in you and now it is my happy privilege to congratulate you on being Govenor of the grand old state by an overwhelming majority. I wish for you an administration of contentment and prosperity.

With very best regards I am,

Yours truly,