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Alexander the Indyan by A Reference from the last Court Comes to prosecute his Suite agt. Juliana Lakar in A Plea of the Case & Complaines That he the plt. Sometime in the Month of May in the year of our Lord God 17692 in & by A certaininge writing obligatory Contracted to & with the Deft. to Serve her the Deft. the full time & terme of Twelve yeares from the Date of the Sd Contract And the plt. Sayth that att the end or Expiraton of the Sd terme of Twelve yeares he the plt. m was to be free & att Liberty And that the plt. hath Served the aforesd terme & time according to Contract And that the Deft. hath detained the plt. a Servt. one year over & above the time Specifyed in the aforesd Contract To his Damage Tenne pounds And prayes an Order for his freedom And for Plea the Deft. Cometh forth & Sayth That She never did by any writing obligacon or Contract to nor with Saunders her Indyan for any terme of years nor never did assigne to any writing attaining to his Freedom Soe putts him to prove that She did & throws her Self upon the Country And the plt. likewise And the Marshall was Comanded to Cause to Come twelve true & lawfull men of the vicinage who neither &c To whom &c By whom the matter may be found And there came Mr. Isaac Wilson Mr. Timothy Clare Mr. Willm White Mr. Patrick Eggerton Mr. Richd. Davenport Mr. Peter Jones Mr. Willm Pargiter Mr. Ralph Boasman Mr. Willm Bogue Mr. John Hopkins Mr. Thomas Pierce & Mr. Willm Moor who Impannelld & Sworn Say wee of the Jury find for the plaintiffe with Costs of Suite.

Ordered That the plantiffe be free from the Deft. And that the Deft. pay costs als Exo. And in Barr of all further proceedings the Deft. prayes an appeall in to the next Honble. Court of Chancery which is Granted.

Mrs. Juliana Lakar assumes to be indebted unto his Excellency the palatine & the Lords Proprietrs. in the full & Just Sume of Twenty pounds & Thomas Norcom assumes in behalfe of the Sd Juliana Lakar in the Sume of Ten pounds That She the Sd Juliana Lakar Shall prosecute her appeal agt. Alexander the Indyan to the next Honble. Court of Chancery.

Upon Peticon of Captn. James Coles
Orderd That Thomas Snoden pay unto Captn. James Coles for his attendance as Evidence for Alexander the Indyan vs. Juliana Lakar with Costs als Exo.

Upon Peticon of John Old
Ordered That Alexander the Indyan pay unto the Peticonr. Seven Shillings & Six pence with Costs as an Evidence agt. Juliana Lakar als Exo.

Upon Peticon of Richd. Skinner
Ordered That Alexander the Indyan pay unto Richd. Skinner Seven Shillings & Six pence as an Evidence agt. Mrs. Juliana Lakar with Costs als Exo.

Upon Peticon of Ralph Fletcher Jun.
Orderd That Alexander the Indyan pay unto the Peticonr. Seven Shillings & Six pence as Evidence agt. Juliana Lakar with Costs als Exo.

Upon Peticon of Thomas Houghton
Orderd That Alexander the Indyan pay unto the Peticonr. Seven Shillings & Six pence as Evidence agt. Mrs Juliana Lakar with Costs als Exo.