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This Indenture made the eighth day of Aprill one thousand six hundred & ninety [damaged] between Mary Scott Widdow of the one Pty, & Aexander an Indian of the other for that whereas the sd Alexander was imported into this County by one Joshuah Long sold to Joseph Scot deceased, for his life time, & whereas the sd assignment was by the sd Alexander secretly stole away & burnt: This Indenture witnesseth, that I the Alexander doe hereby binde my selfe unto the sd Mary Scot Widdow, & to her assigne[es] & duringe the time, & terme of eighty years, if I the sd Alexander happen so long live, & to serve the sd Mary Scot & her assignes faithfully & truely in all manner o[f] imployment, & labour, that I shall be imployed about, & also to dimeane my selfe [ear]nestly & civilly to my sd Mrs, & her assignes, & towards all that shall be appoynt[ed] over me: And the sd Mary Scot doth hereby covenant to & with the sd Alexander, [damaged] him with lodginge, diet, & cloaths dureinge the sd terme, In Witness whereof, we h[ave] hereunto set our hands, & seales the eighth day of Aprill Annos Domini 1690/

Sealed & Signed by Alexander the Indian
Mary Scot:

Sealed, signed & delivered in presence of
Ralph Fletcher:
Thomas Lepper:
Alexander Lillington: