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On Motion of the Attorney General Ordered that he be permitted to file an Information against John Allen of Bertie County Planter for occupying certain Lands within the Bounds of the Lands of the Tuskarora Indians ascertained by act of Assembly passed in the twenty second year of the reign of his late Majesty King George the Second contrary to the said Act unless he shew Sufficient cause at the next Superior Court to the Contrary—

Copy Test

Bertie County
Robert Butterton D: Sheriff for this County maketh oath that he hath Served John Allen with a Copy of the above

Sworn before me this 11th. Day of Augt. 1769 Robt: Butterton D:S

Ed: Rasor J.P.

8 8

Atto General
vs                 } Notice

October 1769
H.Nichols. Sh
