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Uri Manly, Esq. my constituent, has desd me to appeal to you in behalf of one of the relicts of the War of the Revolution, who asserted a claim some years since and her claim was rejected. ^She is^ from the state of Illinois.

The facts are these, Mrs Rosana Murray, widow of John, alias John B. Murray ^Act 7th July, 1838,^ alleged service in the state troops of N.C. as the widow of John Murray. The marriage was made out, but the record showed that John B. Murray served. She undertook to explain—she adduced a paper or indeed a number of papers signed by her husband in his lifetime, and signed John B. Murray—she proved by numerous witnesses that he was known as well by the names of John B. Murray, as John Murray, indeed that his name was John B. Murray, but that she had called him John simply in her declaration. See her papers on file in the Pension Office. This claim he wishes you to review, and trusts that the mere omission of the initial B in making out her declaration, which she had so lucidly explained, will not forever bar her to the benefit of that boon which has been meted out to those who perilled their lives to secure the liberty of our common country.

I have the honor to be, Sir, Very respy, your Obt. Sert.

S Dec 28/49
T.R. Young
Dec. 21. /49
At the request of Uri Manly asks attention to the claim of Rosanna Murray for pension on a/c of service of her husband John B Murry of the Revolution
[Dr Alle]
Commissioner of Pensions for a Report
Dept. of the Interior
26 Decr 26/'49}