C. C. Moore
Clerk Superior Court
Charlotte, N.C.
Aug 26th, 1913.
Hon Locke Craig
Raleigh N.C.
Dear Sir:-
The mayor of Charlotte has offered a reward of $1000— for the apprehension of the persons who Lynched Joe McNeely at the Good Samaritan Hospital in the City of Charlotte at 2:15 A.M. Aug 26th 1913. I think that this reward should be supplemented by the Governor of North Carolina by at least another thousand and that the state should employ special secret service men to bring the offender to justice. It was a most dastardly crime. The negro was in the hospital was guarded and shackled and was taken out and riddled with bullets. Every effort should be made to [illegible] the parties. It is hardly to be dignified by the name Lynching—
Yours truly
C/o C. C. Moore CSC
Charlotte NC