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To the Hon. Locke Craig,
Governor North Carolina,
Raleigh, N.C.

My dear Governor Craig:

At a meeting of the stockholders and directors of this Railroad Company, the enclosed resolutions were unanimously adopted, and the Chairman and Secretary directed to send a copy to your Excellency, and to the Members of the Council of State. A copy of which is herewith enclosed.

A little later the voluminous minutes of the entire meeting will be sent to you, as you are a Director, and the representative of the stock the State holds in this road. The general counsel, Gen. Davidson and your humble servant think it proper that a copy of the entire minutes of that meeting be furnished to you.

I wish to advise that conditions that had our hands tied have now passed, and that the outlook for early completion of the financing of this road is brighter than it has been in a long time. I trust we shall have your friendship and cooperation and that of the Council of State in helping us to successfully conclude this long and hard and laborious work we have been freely giving to the interest of Western North Carolina, and the people of this State.

With highest personal regards, I am

Yours truly,

S A Jones


1. Though marked as "answered," John P. Kerr's August 9, 1913 response was not found among the papers of Locke Craig.