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Hon. Locke Craig, Governor,
Asheville, N.C.

Dear sir:-

President Varner suggested to some of our citizens that Madison County ought to send a delegation to Raleigh to be present at a meeting of the Counsel of State to urge the assignment of convicts to work on the State Highway in Madison County and at the request of some of our citizens I went to Asheville today to learn of you when the Counsel of State would meet in Raleigh, or when a meeting of the Counsel could be had so that a delegation could be sent from the county. Some one here suggested that as the Counsel resided in Raleigh that you could call them together at any time for a conference. Mr. Guy V. Roberts suggested that he would be in Raleigh on about the 9, day of August but we will arrange to send a delegation whenever it suits your convenience.

It is very important to our people to have that question settled as it is delaying other road work in the County.

Very respectfully yours
