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Local Board of the County of Columbus
State of North Carolina
Whiteville, N.C. [stamped]


Hon. T. W. Bickett
Raleigh, North Carolina

My Dear Sir:

I am enclosing a copy of my letter to Mr. Phillips which is self explanatory.

Upon receipt of your letter in regard to Mr. King I laid the whole matter before Major Langston with the request that he inform us if we had authority to make such deferment with no other idea than that he, being your Military Aide, would take the matter up with you and give such instructions as were right and proper that we might not only apply this principle to King’s case, but to all other cases of like merit.

It appears from Mr. Phillips’ letter to me that he saw these letters in Major Langston's office and has requested copies of the same which I am unable to comply with for the reason stated in the letter, a copy of which is enclosed.

I am writing to you personally and directly this letter in order that you may thoroughly understand at first hand my position in regard to the matter and the whole situation so far as I know it, and I wish to frankly state to you that there was nothing further from my mind, and that there is nothing more distasteful to me at this time that to become involved in any criticism of your conduct and I hope that you will fully appreciate my position, and not think me presumptive in writing the Governor of our State to this effect.

Yours very respectfully
