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Local Board for the County of Ashe
State of North Carolina
Jefferson, N. C.


Hon. T. W. Bickett,
Governor of North Carolina,
Raleigh, N.C.,

Dear Sir:

I am in receipt of your telegram of the 3rd inst in re. the deserters of Ashe County.

I beg to advise that to date 16 deserters have reported, and expressed their desire to be sent to the camps and re-instated in the army. We have the assurance that at least four more will report on or before Saturday in order to entrain Saturday with Captain Mitchell who is here from Camp Sevier. Some of the men are out of the state, we are advised, and a diligent effort is being made by their friends to communicate with them. We do not believe there will be a deserter left in Ashe County, but there may be a very few who will be out of the state, who can not be communicated with.

In reference to the work of citizens to induce these men to voluntarily report for service, John P. Hampton, U. S. Deputy Collector, J. H. Gentry of Lansing, W. R. Bauguess, of Jefferson, have been very active. Mr. Hampton has worked in his community in Horse Creek and has been of great benefit in the work. Mr. Bauguess made a trip to the Horse Creek and Long Branch community, and with him J. H. Gentry, who wnet to see the friends and relatives of the boys, and their influence and that of Mr. Hampton induced all the boys in that section to report. I myself made a trip to that community and talked with the people before Mr. Bauguess and Mr. Gentry went, and all of us, the members of the Local Board, did all we could to get the best results. Last night Mr. Bauguess, accompanied by Capt. Mitchell, went to the Idlewild section, and two of the three deserters in that section reported before they left. The third is said to be in wilkes, but the boys who reported, and friends and relatives are doing their utmost to get the third boy in that section to report.

The boys seem to be enthusiastic in returning, and state that they were under mis-apprehensions, stayed over their time with their people, and were afraid to return. They say they did not know how to get back and avoid serious consequences and decided to stay out. Your visit, and the visit of General Young had a splendid effect upon the county. Appreciation is expressed everywhere, and the effect will be lasting.

Very truly yours,

W. E. McNeill