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Great Alamance Camp
Saturday the 18 May 1771.
Parole Edinburgh
Countersign Carlisle

Field Officer of the Day Colo. Thomson.

Ordered that all Arms, Ammunition, Horses, Saddles, Bridles, and Papers that were taken from the Rebels in the Field of Battle or elsewhere be brought to the Head of Artillery by 12 OClock.

The Saddle Baggs, provisions and Clothes belong to the Captors.

Field Officer of the Day. Colo. Thomson.

Second Line ordered to March as soon as possible under the Command of Colo. Ashe with a Detatchment from the Artillery with two small Field Pieces.

The Quarter Guard to be relieved immediately by the Orange Detatchment

The Commissary will send two Waggons of provisions and one empty Wagon for the Baggage and the Super Intendant of Stores one Waggon of Ammunition, to go with Colo. Ashe.

James Green appointed Storekeeper of all the Arms taken in Action or surrendered by the Enemy and also to keep an Account of all Sales for the use of the public, for all which Trouble He shall be allowed Captains pay.

Twelve of the light Horse to accompany Colo. Ashe.

The Volunteers from Duplin to be under the Command of Major Clinton and to form a light Troop of Horse.

His Excellency allows a Reward for the public Service of Twenty shillings for every Horse or Mare, Ten shillings for every Gun and five shillings for every Saddle and Bridle taken from the Rebels in the Field of Battle or elsewhere to be distributed among the Troops.

After Orders

Piquet Guard to Night and Baggage Guard to morrow Beaufort
Grass Guard to Night and Rear Guard to morrow Craven
Governors Guard to morrow none
Quarter Guard Orange

The Army Marches to morrow the General to beat at 5 OClock the Assembly at Nine and the whole march off at Ten.

The Sick and Wounded not able to March with the Army to be sent early to morrow to Capt. Holts and Doctr. Richards to attend them. Nurses to be hired and the Commissary to furnish them with fresh Provisions and whatever else may be necessary.