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Jno Blish: Marcht: Comes by Thos Snoden his attorney to pros his Suite agt: Capt. Richd Sanderson in an accon of Trover & Conversion & Saith That he the plt: on the first Day of apprill last past was Seized & possessed of one Indian woman Slave Named Ann & one femeal Child, as his own proper goods & Chattles and being Soe Seized & possessed as afsd the afsd Slaves after wardes (vizt) in the month of June last past by finding Came to the Custody: & possession of the Deft: Nevertheless the Deft. very well knowing the afsd Slaves to be the proper lawfull: & Rightfull Estate & Inheritance of the plt. yett minding & Intending the plt of the Same wholey: to Deprive & Defraud the afsd Indian Slaves to the plt: to Deliver or restore hath Hetherto Gainesayd & Doth as yett Gainesay to the plts. Damage Sixty pounds &ca: and the Deft: by Edwd Moseley his attor Comes & for plea Saith non Cull. and for Tryall putts himselfe upon the Country and the plt. in like manner whereupon: it was ordered the Marshll: that he Cause to Come tomorrow morneing Eight of the Clocke Twelve &a. whome &a. by whome &c. who neither &a. & on the morrow Eight of the Clocke there Came (vizt) [intentionally blank] who being Sworne Say: wee of the Jury find for the plt: 30£: and the Deft: by his attorney afsd Moved in arrest of Judgmt: and for these Causes; for that the time & place of the Conversion is not mentioned in the plts Declaracon and the matter being Defeated on both Sides & Considered by the Court here it is the oppinion of this Court that Judgement ought to be therefor Stayed: & it is hereby Stayed &a.