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v.       } Attachment

John Hitaw King or Chief man of the Chowan Indians comes by Edward Moseley his Attorney to prosecute an Original Attachment granted to him by Christopher Gale Esqr: Cheif Justice against the Estate of John Sale for the sum of Eleven pounds returnable to this Court wherein the said John Complaines that Whereas the said John Sale should render unto him the sum of Eleven pounds which to the plte: be oweth & from him unjustly detaineth for that to witt that whereas the said Defte. the tenth day of May One thousand seven hundred & twenty two by his Note on Thomas Copping dated the Same day & year at Chowan aforesaid & here in Court produced did acknowledge himselfe indebted to the plte the said sum of Eleven pounds Nevertheless the said Thomas Copping the said sum of Eleven pounds to the said plte. did not pay nor this defte hath no as yet paid but the same to pay hath denyed &c.

Marshls: refd:

Which attachment was returnd, (Executed in the hands of Mr: John Ansley & Thomas Mathews) by Christian Heidelbergh Depty Marshall. And the said Thomas Mathews came into Court & acknowledged to have Sufficient to Satisfie the Said Attachment of the Estate of the said John Sale in his hands;

And the said Defts being Solemnly called) came not & for default of the Defts appearance

Judgement by default

It is Considerd. that unless the Defte. do appear at the next Court to answer the said plaint Judgement shall be then affirmd. for the plte. & that he recover & have of the Defte. the Said Sum of Eleven pounds & Costs. in the hands of Thomas Mathews