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North Carolina Ss

At a Speciall Court of Oyer & Terminer held at Edenton on the twenty fifth day of August Anno Dni One thousand seven hundred and twenty Six—


The Honoble: Christopher Gale Esq: Chief Justice
Thomas Lovick
Henry Bonner} Esqrs: Assistants

An Order of Council impowering the sayd Chief Justice and his Assistants to hold a Speciall Court for the Tryall of George Senneka being read in these Words Vizt: North Carolina Ss. At a Council held at the Council Chambers in Edenton the twenty fifth day of August Anno Dni One thousand Seven hundred and twenty six—

Present The Honoble: Sr. Richard Everard Baront: Govr: &c:

  Christopher Gale Thos: Harvey  
Seale John Lovick Edmd: Gale Esqrs: Members
  Edwd: Moseley John Worley of the Coun^c^ill
  Francis Foster    

The Honoble. the Governor informing this Board that the Maherrin Indians had deliverd. up to him an Indian man belong to them for killing an English woman & two Children who he comitted Close prisoner to Goale which this Board having Considerd. and to prevent the sayd Indian from making his Escape do hereby Order that the Cheif Justice do imediately call a Special Court of Oyer and Terminer for the Tryall of the sayd Indian the Maherrin Indians having had notice to attend and that a Copy of this Signd. by the Honoble: the Governor: under the Seale of the Colony and Countersignd. by the Secretary Shall be a Sufficient Authority to the sayd Cheif Justice & his Assistants

Signd: Richd: Everard

Subsignd: JLovick Secty.


[The jury] Who being chargd. with the facts comitted by the sayd George and mentioned. in the aforesayd Order withdrew & upon their returne made presentment of the following Bill Vizt:

A Bill of Indictment against the Sayd George Senneka for feloniously murdering Catherine Groom the Wife of Thos: Groom of Bertie precinct planter & two infant Children the Daughters of the aforesayd Thomas & Catherine in these Words Vizt:

North Carolina Ss. To the Honoble: Christopher Gale Esqr: Cheif Just: & the rest of the Justices for holding a Speciall Court of Oyer & Terminer for the Sayd province on the twenty fifth day of August One thousand Seven hundred & twenty Six.

The Jurors for Our Sovereign Lord the King on their Oath do present that George Senneka an Indian man of Bertie precinct not having the fear of God before his eyes but movd. by the instigation of the Devil & his own Cruel feirce & Savage nature Vizt: in Bertie precinct aforesayd on or about the twenty fifth day of July One thousand Seven hundred & twenty six by force & Arms an Assault did make upon one Catherine Groom the Wife of Thomas Groom of Bertie on two Inf^a^nt Children Daughters of the Sayd Thomas & Catherine Groom & with an Axe of the value of two Shillings which in his hand he then hand he the Sayd George feloniously Voluntarily and of malice forethought in Bertie precinct aforesayd Struck & barbarously wounded the sayd Catherine on the head & also the sayd two infants with the sd: Instrument then & there in like manner did wound so that of the sayd Cruel wounds the sayd Catherine & the sd: two infants did then & there instantly dye & so the Jurors aforesayd on their sd: Oath do say that the sayd George on the sayd Twenty fifth day of July in the sd: precinct of Bertie the aforesd: Catherine Groom & the sayd two female Children in manner aforesayd & of malice forethought feloniously & voluntarily did kill & murder against the peace of Our Lord the King that now is his Crown & dignity & Signd. Wm Little ⅌ Duo Rege Atto Genl.

To which Indictment the sayd George Senneka upon his Arraignment pleased Guilty

Judgment to be hangd.

And then the Court adjournd.

By Order of the Cheif Justice
and his Assistants

CGale C.J.

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