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The Court mett according to Adjournmt: Present as before Frederick Jones Esqr. Chief Justice Excepted.


Dom Rex v Jno. White.

Daniel Richardson Esqr. Attorney Genll. Comes to Prosecute an Information of the Grand jury agt. John White & Saith.

The Jurors for our Sovereigne Lord the King presents John White of the Indian Town in Chowan Precinct for Selling & Retailling Liquors without Lycense contrary to the Laws in this Province in that behalf made & Provided & against the peace of our said Sovereigne Lord the King that now is & agst. his Royal Crown & Dignity &ca:

Danl. Richardson Dno Rege.

And the sd John White by Thos Bray his Attorney Comes and for plea Saith Not Guilty whereupon the Attorney Genl. afsd. prays him till the next Genll. Court to produce the Kings Evidence. Ordered that the Same be Continued till the third day of the next Generall Court.