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Memorandum that this fifteenth day of October Anno the Dom 1724 Personally came before me Enoch Ward Esqr and of his Majtes. Justices of the peace for the said precinct Richard Ball of the aforsaid precinct of Carteret Planter and Acknowledged himself by way of Recognizance to be Indebted to our Soveraign Lord King George, his Heires and Successors. in the penal Sum of One hundred pounds Sterling money of Great Britain to be Levied upon his Goods and Chattells Lands [Tenements &] Hereditam[e]nt[s] &ca.

The Condicon of this Recognizance is such that if the above named Richard Ball personally bound appear at the next General Court to be holden for the said Province at Edenton upon the first ^Last^ Tuseday in this present Month of October and shall then and there Give Evidence for our said Soveraign Lord the King against Jacob Johnson and Anne Wife of Peter Johnson now in Custody of the Provost Marshal of the County of Bath [Touching] and Concerning their Felonious Stealing divers Goods W[ares] and Merchandizes of One Peter Pedro of Cape Fear in South Carolina Lately Barbarously Murthered and shall not Depart without Leave of the said Court Then this Recognizance to be void or also to be in full force and vertue

Ball's Recognizance