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The Examination of Jacob Johnson of the precinct of Carteret in the County of Bath and Province of North Carolina Malata Aged about Two and Twenty Years taken before me Enoch Ward Esqr. One of his Majtes. Justices of the peace for the said Precinct upon Thursday the 15th. of this Inst. Octobr. Anno the Dom 1724

Who saith that Some time in the month of September Last about the middle of the said Month (as near as this Examant. can remember) himselfe with Anne Wife of Peter Johnson Richard Ball of Winyeau in South Carolina and Anne An Indyan Slave of the said Richard Ball being in their passage from South Carolina to the precinct of Carteret in North Carolina aforsaid about midd Day came to the house or Shed of one Peter Pedro (as this Examint has been since Inform'd) where he found the said Peter Pedro in a Bed Lye murthered his leggs hanging out of the said Bed in his Stockings and Looking about the house the said Examinant found a Barrell of Rice in at which time the aforsaid Ball Took out about the Quantity of halfe a Bushall of the said Rice the said Examinant holding open A Bagg for the said Ball to put the said Rice in but sometime afterward the Wind proveing to be against them he this Examnt. togather with the said Ball and Anne Johnson took about halfe a bushal more of the said rice fearing they should Want provision Togather with the Severall Goods following (Vizt) a parcell of Axes and hoes the Just numbers of wch. this Examinant saith he cannot Tell Eleven Blanquets Two Ruggs a Parcell of Chissels Coppers Tools Two Rods and Two ^Three^ Howells Three Cow Bells a French Bible in very Large Folio and two Small Books about the Quantity of Twenty five pound Weight of Gun powder a Crafting Saw four Reap hooks Two hand saws a Curry Comb three Middling Iron Potts and hooks a Carbine without a Lock an old Rapier a paire of Steel yards and Pea Three Great Pewter Dishes two Little Ones Two plates an Old Pewter Deep Dish One porrenger a pint pot Quart pott and a Gallon or pottle pott and a halfe pint pott all of pewter Three Writeing Slates Three Stone Juggs and a Cagg Containing a bout four Gallons three quarters full of pipes a Blew Watch Coat a white Wastcoat which said Goods the said Examinant togather with the said Ball Ann Johnson and Anne the said Indian Slave carried off from the said house or Shed to their Whale Boat and brought them to the house of William Johnson in Carteret aforsaid (where they (he this Depont. and the persons before named Concealed the Same) but with the privity of the said William Johnson and further this Examinant saith not


Jacob I Johnson

Taken be Acknowledged and taken before me the day and year before Written

Enoch Ward