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Memorandum that on the 16th. day of March 1722/3 There came before us Gyles Shute and Joshua Porter Esqrs. two of his Majesties jestises of the peace for Beauft. & hide prects. Christopher Dudly of the sd. Prect. plainter and Did acknowledge himself to Stand Indebted unto our Soveraign Lord the King his heirs & Successrs in the Sum of one hundred pounds Starling to be levied upon his good Chattles lands & Tenements upon the Condition following vizt: that the sd. Christopher Dudly Shall personally appear befor the Cheif Justice & his assistants at the Court house in Edentown in Albemarle county to be held the 26th. of this Instant then & there to answare what Shall be objected against. him on behalf of our Soverange Lord the King for hurting & Maiming of a Tuskarora Indian, and not to Depart the Sd. Court without Leave first had & Obtained of the Sd. Court then this recognizance to be void and null Otherwayes to Stand & remaine in full force power & virtue

Capt E Recogn:
Coram Nobis

Dudleys Recognt.
to appear at March Cot.