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The Twenty sixth day of May in the year of our Lord One thousand seven hundred and Fifty seven came before me Joseph Hardy Coroner, John Liscomb and william Fry and Acknowledged ^Each of^ themselves to be indebted to our sovereign Lord the King in the sum of Ten Pound sterling Lawfull money of Great Britain the condition of this regcognizance is such that if the above bound John Liscomb & William Fry doth Personally appear before our Cheif Justice at the next asize to be holden at Edenton on the second Tuesday of October next For the said County then and There two delivrd and set Forth their knowledge touching the death of Elizabeth Knott and do not Depart thence without Licence of the said Court. That then this Recognizance to be Void and of non effect or else to be and Remain In full Force and Virtue Acknowledged before me the day and year above Writen

Jos. Hardy Coroner

Dom Rex
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James Strawberry

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