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The Deposition of John Liscomb a man Aged about 36 years on oath Saith—

That on the 24th day of May 1757 he was Travilling with Elizabeth Knott to goe to Virginia and Between Cashy Bridg and Bonners Bridg They came to the house of John Wyatts who told them that the Indians came into his house ^that day^ and—Behaved Themselves in very Ill manner Wyatt told them to call at the next house and they would hear a great deal more but when we Come: there was nobody at home Mrs. Knott then missing a hankercheif desired I would goe Back and pick it up She Likwise Said She had it in Sight of the plantation where we then was She further Said She would walk Slowly on till I overtook her again I went and found the Hankercheif in Sight of the plantation as She Said & Returning I mett two men Near the Spot I parted from her at then I Saw the Beast She Rode coming back full Speed I desired they would assist me to cetch her then I Taking the beast and went on to Look the woman thinking the beast had flung her in Rideing Some better than a Quarter of a mile I called her three ^times^ and looking forward I Saw an Indian Rise from the Earth which put me in a Surprise the Indian hallered three times Waugh and Stamped I Saw him dart to one Side the road Supposing he was going for his gun I turned my horse a bout and Called to the two men I had left: for to help: one of the men coming to me I told him I wanted assistance which he Refused as having no arms: we all three turned out of the Road to Gitt arms: then Seeing a lad Runnin up the road I turned about and called to him and he coming to us as Quick as he could I asked him whether he had Seen any woman on the road he Replyed for god Sake what wh woman is that lyes dead there: I asking where he Said there was one dead in a bottom Lying upon Some poles which was the place I Saw the Indian Rise from and that it was not above Six Munites from the time I Saw the Indian Rise to the time the lad told me that he Saw the woman dead and further this deponant Saith not—

Taken before me Jos Hardy Coroner

The Depossition
of John Liscomb
matter Concerng.
The Indian