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Still bearing in mind the claim of Sarah Jenkins for pension under the Act of Congress of July 4th 1836, and her Continual Solisitations on the subject, I have taken sum pains to percure the Certificuit of the Comptroller General of South Carolina a giving the Dates of the Millitia Service of her late Husband John Jenkins. After they was Married, which was not noticed by him in his Declaration for pension from the fact, that there was no provision made by any Act of Congress at that time for any such service in the Revolution. The old lady can proove by her sister, that her husban John Jenkins was Drafted & went out two no three Diferant tours after they was Married, but Dont like to introduce testimony of relations least it would not be relied on, and beleaving the Comptroller general's Certificuit altogather Sufficient to Shew Sattisfacturily togather with the family records heretofore sent. That her husban John Jenkins Did performed service in the Millitia of South Carolina in the war of the Revolution. Sum two three or four years after they was Married—

Mrs Jenkins through me her Agent Do herbey Acknowlledge the Receipt of three hundred Dollars on a former pension Certificuit under the Act of 7th July 1838—we have no Disposition press on an rexamionation of this Claim, but feel free to Ask for that of which this Claiment is so Justly entitled—I herewith enclose the Certificate of the Comptroller general of So Carolina for your Consideration, and if found Consistant with the pension laws, place the Claimant Sarah Jenkins, on the pension list, of the North Carolina Agency under the Act of 4th July, 1836—the persumtion is that her forme Certificuit has ben ruturnd to the pension office or now by the Agent who paid off the same—

I am very Respectfully yours—

Sarah Jenkins
Wid of John
Act July 4 1836
Married Nov 1777
died 1830
Allow 19 mos pri
Capt Boykin Col Thompson SC line
$6333 per ann from March 4. 1831.
deduct the amt paid under the act of July 7 1838—

Jas. Roberts Esq
Swangstown N.C.