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For the last time while in Wilmington do I take up my journal to write—just to think ever since last Sunday more than a week, and I have not open this book, I have not had any time—dear me! I feel little enough like writing now—but it is the last chance I will have before leaving—I am here all by myself. Aunt Mary & Mother out returning calls, & I should be—“but let me hasten on” for fear someone will call in—Sunday night I had the tooth-ache, dreadfully for an hour or so—Monday morning I awoke feeling nearly well, before I was dressed however, Carrie Wright & Mr Josh Walker came in, the former just called in to see how I felt—Claypole came for me to go & spend the day with her—but before we left, Mr John B Williams & Mr Josh Walker called to see me—Mr Williams only spent a day in this place—sent to ask me to go with him to the Opera that night, but I had to decline owing to a previous engagement with Mr John HolmsMr Joe Wright left Monday at 2 o’clock—in the evening Claypole and I went over & spent an hour or so with Carrie—I liked the Opera, pretty well, after it was over, Carrie Mr Bahn, Mr Holms & I, (Claypole & Mr Mears—) all went to Claypoles, & had a splendid late supper—Carrie then came home with me & spent the night, and the next day, Mr Bahn called to see her (I expect, & I know I do not care, for I don’t like him wh at all) I have just received an invitation from Mr John Holms, to go with me to the Sound party which Mr William Wright is to give tomorrow—I will ^not^ go I expect, for many reasons—

Tuesday night Mother came, & BrotherMiss I was so glad to see them—Tuesday, I mean Wednesday we all spent at home—in the evening I went over to see Carrie, & we took a walk, & shopped a little, & did not get home ‘til dark—Thursday we dined at Cousin Kates, but I too fast—Wednesday night I went to hear “Ole Bull” but no such treat, was I to have, for the old gentleman was so sick that he could not perform. I went with Dr Wilkings—Thursday spent at Cousin Kates, in the evening Miss Allielone and Alice called, soon after Carrie—I went down street with her, I did not get back ‘til late—Friday ^Saturday^ it was damp & rainy, I went to Sister Ann, Aunt Lizzie, Annie Grimes, Mollie, and Jennie Jones—which took nearly all day—late in the evening Carrie came in, spent 15 or 20, minutes—Miss Hix and Eliza Nixson called, also in the morning—I was invited to a “candy pulling” at Mrs Nixons Saturday night, but did not go—Sunday attended Church both morning & evening—Monday morning Carrie Wright came over a few moments—in the evening I went over to get her to go with me, to Mrs DeRossets to call on Jimmie and Sophy—we then, at last Claypole, & Jane Green, who met us there, went to walk Claypole & I went to see Mrs Empie, & then came home, went to Dr Wrights to a “candy pulling” that night, enjoyed it “so so.” Carrie Holms came home with me, & stayed all night, & ‘til 11 o’clock— after dinner I went around to see her, & we (after spending an hour or so,) we then went to see Carrie Wrightdid not stay long—Carrie H asked me go to her house after ten, to meet a few girls, & young gentlemen—but I was engaged to Mr Joshua Wright—I went, & spent a rather a pleasant evening, Cousin Kate & Dr Drane & this family—Claypole & Mr Mears—This morning I did not feel well, & was up stairs packing, or at least trying, when Claypole came in, left at three—soon after she left, Jane London & Carrie Holms came to ask me to go up to Jane’s & take tea—I promised to go, but don’t know that I shall—we expect to leave for Tarboro Friday, will not stay there long—but good bye to my journal ‘til I reach that place, it is nearly dark now, so I am compelled to stop. I have not time to write all, I think & feel this evening, I have been rather touched with the blues, this evening, in fact all day—do not think I would enjoy this evening were I to go—I have had a charming visit to Wilmington & it will long be a “green spot in memory”—good bye for a few days journal, & a long good bye to Wilmington.