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Hon. Locke Craig, Governor
Raleigh, N.C.

Dear Governor-

A brother of my former law partner was today adjudged to be insane and was ordered sent to the hospital for the insane at Raleigh, and at the suggestion of Mr. A. W. McLean I am writing to ask that you aid us in securing his admission, so as to avoid his remaining in jail unnecessarily.

The party is S. F. Lewis a brother of Hon. D. J. Lewis of this place, and is the one who some days ago cut young Burnes1 an account of which you may have seen. There is no question as to his mental derangement and the prosecuting attorney in our county court realizing his condition, and at the suggestion of the kinsmen of the injured boy caused the inquiry by the clerk as to his mental condition with the result above mentioned.

I feel a personal interest in this case, both on account of my past relationship with the brother of the insane man, and my friendship to the family, and will greatly appreciate any assistance you see fit to give in aiding us to secure his immediate admission to the hospital.

With kindest regards, I am,

Yours very truly,

H. L. Lyon

1. Identified in papers as "Albert Byrnes," it's likely that the young man's formal name was Matthew Alphonso Byrne, Jr.