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Hon Locke Craig,
Raleigh, N.C.

Dear Governor:-

I am pleased to be able to tell you that every member of the board of directors for the D & D. School, present at our recent meeting, voted gladly, as you requested, for Dr. Anderson, as school physician.

Dr. Ross1 was much wrought up over the situation and made some very bitter remarks about Dr. Anderson.

Some members of the board told Dr. Ross, that in as much as the baord had in selecting him listened to the request of Gov. Kitchen, they did not see how he could look upon our disposition to accede to your modest request as anything but proper.

Am glad that in my letter to you of some months ago I only gave you a hint of this physician question and that you were able to get full information from another source. In fact, at the time I wrote you I did not myself know the full meaning behind Gov. Kitchen's request, but I had a strong sucpicion.

Wish you could have been present at our commencement exercises. Want you to make your arrangements, if possible, to be present next year.

Soory to have to report the absence of Prof. Holt, on account of sickness.

Yours respectfully

1. This is most likely a reference to Dr. Charles Ellis Ross, a longtime member of the medical staff at the State Hospital at Morganton.