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Hon. Walter D. Siler,
Siler City, N.C.

My dear Siler:-

The coroner has written me a letter requesting that I send Worth Sanders to Selma to testify before the coroner's jury as to the death of Mrs. Lynch. When the coroner was in my office a week or so ago I told him to communicate with you as to the necessity of having Worth Sanders testify, I do not think it advisable to send this negro to Johnston County for the coroner's inquiry. I cannot send him without sufficient military escort for his protection. This might incite the people, and if any lynching were attempted, a serious tragedy might be enacted. I have therefore written the coroner declining to send him at present, and suggesting that he and his jury come to Raleigh and examine this negro in the Penitentiary if they desire his testimony.

Yours truly,
