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Hon. Locke Craig. (Govener.)
Raleigh, N.C.

Dear Sir:-

We understand that Congress, has appropriated some Relief funds that will be spentin behalf of the Flood Suffers, and we take the priviledge to write you that we the Citizerns, of Siloam, Townsuip, Surry County, to inform you that we were in this Flood District, and we wish to say that we will Put into this fun for the benifit of the suffers in this Township, say $500.00 to be used in reparing Public Roads in this township, and Building, a few Miles, we have now about 13 Miles of road graded and about 11 Miles of this top soiled and we want to top the rest and grade some more so we will say that if you can help us in this we will Hire the Flood Suffers to do this work and Furnish you a stat- of each man work done and you may say if you wish to how much each man may work out so that it will be devided just as you say, we understand that the list of suffers from this section has been sent in / if this meets with your approval we can begin this work at once .we think that to give thease parties say $1.50 per day as wages up this way are $1.10 or this is what the Railway Company are giving, we hope to have a favoble report from you we beg to remain as ever yours,

Siloam Township Highway Commissioners,

Per C. C. Matthews Chm.