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Clerk Superior Court Davidson County


Gov. Thos. W. Bickett,
Raleigh, N.C.

My dear Governor:-

I am on my own motion writing you in defense of Sheriff A. T. DeLap of this County, who has been charged with laying down on the job of rounding up the slackers in our County. As Clerk of the Superior Court I know that during the month of May we held two courts, at one of the terms was a homicide case with a special venire of one hundred men and he was compelled to attend to his court duties. For ten years I have been associated with him in the Court House, and while he is a Republican and I am a Democrat, I know there is not a more conscientious man in the County. I live next door to him and my relation to him both officially and neighborly gives me an insight of his character that enables me to speak of him advisably.

I know that some two months ago upon the advice of Deputy Marshall McKenzie he withheld vigorous efforts to arrest the slackers until the time set apart by McKenzie, and before the time set for concerted action McKenzie died. Sheriff DeLap immediately went to see District Attorney Hammer and was advised by him to wait until he could send Deputy Handy to work with him. Handy was called to Washington and that delayed the matter until this week. Handy was here yesterday in conference with the Local Board and the Sheriff and as a result of that conference two of the boys came in and a majority of them are coming in on Handy’s proposition- such as he used in a western county.

I feel that someone for political effect, only, has done the Sheriff a grave injustice for he has been diligent in his efforts to bring in the slackers, that his efforts in that direction have been hampered and hindered by the families and friends of the aforesaid slackers. The fact that he is a Republican and many of the slackers are of the same faith has had no influence with him and politics will not influence or control him in his official duties. I feel that this is due him and I am man enough to say so without any solicitation on his part.

With great respect, I am

Yours very truly,

C. E. Godwin
Clerk Superior Court.