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Biographical Description

Mary English was born in Pennsylvania in about 1763. A resident of Caswell County, North Carolina, she married Thomas Robison in about 1781. His second wife, Mary helped care for the Robison children from his previous marriage while Thomas was away serving in the North Carolina Militia. Shortly after the war they moved to Greene County, Tennessee, where they resided for the rest of their lives. In addition to the six children from Thomas Robison's first marriage, Thomas and Mary also had at least eleven children as a couple. In their later years, Thomas increasingly had to reply on his wife for support. By 1821 Thomas was unable to get out of a chair unassisted and also may have suffered from some form of dementia. After Thomas died in 1833, Mary Robison never remarried. She applied for a widow's pension in 1835, but her claim was unsuccessful due to a lack of archival sources definitively proving her husband's service during the Revolutionary War. She died in Greene County in about 1838.

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