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Biographical Description

Samuel Johnston (1733-1816) was a planter, lawyer, and politician who resided in Chowan County. He served in the North Carolina Colonial Assembly from 1759-1775, served in the provincial congress, and later was the state treasurer of the northern district from 1775-1777. Johnston then served as paymaster for the troops from Edenton District. When Charles Bondfield stepped down from his position as judge and William Brimage could not serve as he was in prison, Richard Caswell considered Johnston to fill the vacancy and try the Gourd Patch conspirators. While John Baptist Beasley became the judge, Johnston's brother John Johnston, clerk of the Bertie County Court, and his brother-in-law James Iredell, a state prosecutor, were both involved in the trial. Additionally, two of Johnston's nephews, James and Nathan Mayo were one the list of men that the Gourd Patch conspirators intended to kill.

As Recipient

Currently there are no documents available where this individual is the recipient.