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Mr. C. M. Brown,1 Chairman,
Raleigh, N.C.

Dear sir:--

Your letter of December 30th received, and in reply I beg to say: If there were any differences between the Pilot Mills and its present or former employees concerning hours for labor, working conditions or wages we would be glad to have Governor Bickett arbitrate the matter. There are no such differences nor are there any differences between this mill and its present or former employees. The only differences that exist are with the Textile Union as a union.

That Union, by demanding that the management deal with committees representing it (it having outside affiliations) has raised the question as to whether the owners of this mill, by dealing directly with all its employees, shall control the operations of its plant. This is not a question for arbitration.

Respectfully yours,

BY A. Y. Kelly

1. Most likely Clyde Morris Brown.