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Tho Barcock Aged 60 years or thereabuts being Deposed & sworn saith that a bout 3 a yeare ago he gave to tom Harriss an Indian a sow Shote—and after he had had itt a Considerable time it Run from him and was Gott amongst Mathew Winns hoggs and the Indian Coming to me Desird me to go to Mathew Winns with him to gett the Shote being marked a Cropp Lefte Eare & 2 Slitts in the Cropp an over keel and under keell in the Right and Mathew Win Yeilded to Deliver the Shote to the Indians but never had it till Daniell Phillips Recoverd it by a Warrt from Jno. Jenins & further saith no

Thomas T Barcock
