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Hon. T. W. BickettGovenor of North Carolina,

Dear Sir & Bro:-

inclosed please find a copy of an agreement that our Local Union has ask the Contractors of the City to sign for us and they refuse to do so and we are out and have been out for over a week.

The Contractor mentioned in the inclosed agreement says that if you will recomend the same and state whether or it is not contrary to the laws of the State he will sign same and I feel that there are others that will do the same thing as they have an agreement that what one signs they all sign. Hoping that you will give thsi your prompt attention

I remain Fraternally Yours,

T. L. Conder
Business Agent,
11 Belmont Ave, Charlotte, N.C.

P.S. Please send one copy to Mr J. D. Foard so that he will know that we are trying to treat fair with him you will find self addressed envelope with special delivery stamp on same.