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Hon. T. W. Bickett,
Raleigh, N.C.

Dear Governer,

Please accept my congradulations and appreciation of the stand that you have taken on the labor question in North Carolina for according to my estimation you are the only Governer North Carolin has ever had that had the manhood and nerve to fullfil your obligation to all mankind and give all the People in our state a fair and squair deal

Big Business may not like your policy and adminestration so very well and especially the stand that you haven taken in the labor question and you may have lost a few Friends among the manufacturers but in turn have gained not hundreds, but thousands of staunch and everlasting Friends and supporters among the laboring class of People in both the Democrat and Republican Parties

As for my self I have been a life long Republican because I belived in a high Tarriff but the Hindenburg line in my Politics has been smashed and henceforth I shall vote for the man that votes for me and the betterment of Labor in General

I do not know what your asperations are if you have any in futher serving the public but if you ever run for office again I shall take great pleasure in working and voting for you for any office up to President of the United States

This is the view and sentiment of all Republicans I have come in contact with

Governer please excuse my ignorance, and English and plain crude letter in general as I am among the many that are harrased by the few downtrodden by the manufacturer but rescued by you.

Wishing you a still futher and greater, success, as the Governer of North Carolina and hoping to see you the next Senator elected from this state

I am sincerelly yours

C. R. Hilton.
Lexington, N.C.
Nokomis Mills