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George the second by the Grace of God of great Britain France and Ireland King Defender of the faith

To the Sheriff of our said County, Greeting

We Command you as we have Commanded you before to Take the Body of Henry Hill Late of St. Pauls Parish in the County and province aforesaid Planter if in your Bailiwick to be found and him Safely Keep so that you have his Body before our Justices at our Next Court to be held for our said County at the Court House in Edenton on the Third Thursday in April Next then and there to answer unto John Robins (Indian) of a Plea of Trespass on the Case Damage Eight Pounds Lawfull money of great Britain Herein fail not and Make due Return Witness James Craven Clerk of our said Court at Edenton the 16th day of January Anno Dom 1752

Jas. Craven Clr Cu

Hil Robins
vs                 } writ in Case
Robins Hill

April Chowan County Court

So Saith J: Benbury